July 30, 2007

Post One Hundred Two: Ratatouille

Saw this over the weekend with the wife and kids, and wanted to post a quick review. I'm going to have to give this a thumbs down. You know what killed it for me? The whole rat-controlling-the-person-by-pulling-the-hair aspect. To call it "strained" is an understatement.

Yes, it was a cute movie, and how critical of this type of thing can you be when you're dealing with a movie about a master-chef rat? But really, it doesn't make any kind of sense. Being able to control a person's fine-motor systems by pulling hair? It's just stupid (for lack of a better word).

Then there's the whole vision of a swarm of rats running amok in the kitchen. That was just gross. Couldn't quite get that image out of my head.

However, I will say that the scene where the food critic is thrust back to his childhood after tasting the rat's ratatouille was inspired. I was touched. But not enough to save the movie for me.

July 22, 2007

Post One Hundred One: Reaper

CW has a new showing coming out called Reaper. It's directed by Kevin Smith, so it was pretty much a given that I would be watching it.

But based on this trailer, it has potential to be my favorite show EVAR!

July 19, 2007

Post One Hundred: Juggernaut vs. the Hulk

In WWH X-Men #2, Juggernaut is informed that the Hulk is probably going to kill his brother, Professor X. Upon hearing this, he runs upstairs to retrieve the Crystal of Cytorrak, promising the god that he will go on a destructive rampage if the crystal can get him to New York from London in time to save his brother.*

When I read the page, I actually called my brother in my excitement: Juggernaut's coming back, fully restored, and we're going to see a big brawl between Juggernaut and the Hulk. It seemed to be a good couple of weeks for me: first, the return of Thor, and now the real Juggernaut.

Eh. Not so much.

During the all-too-brief battle, Hulk comments on the fact that Juggernaut is smaller and weaker, and crushes him easily.

Now, I'm not one to bitch unnecessarily, but it seems to me that in Excalibur it was said that if Juggernaut touched the crystal, he'd be returned to his 1-of-3-0r-4-in-the-Marvel-Universe-who-could-possibly-stop-the-Hulk-single-handedly status. So I'm calling foul. Realistically, I know that the X-Men portion of WWH is not going to be responsible for putting an end to the Hulk's rampage, but still, is a little consistency out of the question?

*I'm not going to bother with an explanation. I know what happened to him.

July 12, 2007

Post Ninety-Nine: Debating a slight format change

After last night's episode of Rescue Me, I'm considering changing this blog to an Andrea Roth fan site:

Hmm . . .

July 11, 2007

Post Ninety-Eight: The Return of Thor

All is right with the world.

Thor made his triumphant return in Thor #1, released on July 5, 2007. Greatness, pure and simple. If you have read my previous posts, you may think that I am a little biased in this regard. Well, you're right. But that doesn't mean I'm wrong.

Of course, there are those who do not share my enthusiasm for his return:

"Thor" #1 was described by Comics Ink owner Steve LeClaire as "twenty two pages of 'hi, I'm back!'" That may have been too generous -- a syllogism is somehow pressed into service as a framing device and the whole issue tries to hang on it. Unsuccessfully.

Fuck this guy. What did he want, Thor kicking Galactus' ass on page 1? Thor could have done it, but I think it's best to ease into these things. As my brother and esteemed (and by that I mean published AND quoted in Marvel press releases) comic critic Flash Cap put it:

I don't agree with that review at all. Thor DIED. You can't just come into issue #1 and forget about that. [The writer] had to explain, credibly, what allowed Thor to come back, and how Donald Blake figured in all of it. It also served to catch up new readers on Thor's history, and hint at what's to come.

Speaking of what's to come, it has been strongly hinted that Thor is going to be the one to put an end to the Hulk's rampage taking place in World War Hulk. In fact, I've read rumors that the last issue is going to be a battle royale between Thor and the Hulk.

. . .

. . .

Sorry, I tend to get all reflective and giddy just thinking about that scene. Regardless, the only thing that could probably make this better is if Captain America was alive. But I guess the powers that be at Marvel realized a few years ago that having Thor and Captain America co-exist in their Universe was just too much awesomeness for the average reader to tolerate, as evidenced by the following:

Perhaps in a couple years everyone else will be ready. But for now we've got Thor.

July 03, 2007

Post Ninety-Seven: A tip for you

To all of you parents: Do NOT forget to ensure visits from the Tooth Fairy when your child loses a tooth. Bad, bad things. Inevitably, the child comes into the room in tears. You are then forced to make up a story about how the Tooth Fairy was probably delayed by the weather, and will no doubt be there the following night to make up for it. In fact, you tell her that you will e-mail the Tooth Fairy to remind her.

Of course, the Tooth Fairy responded (and this will be shown to the aforementioned child):

I apologize profusely for my oversight. As you guessed, the weather North Texas has been experiencing has played havok with my travel schedule. These wings I have are purely decorative, so I am forced to rely on Southwest and American to cover the brunt of my territory. In my rush, I simply failed to make a record of [your child's] second lost tooth.

Please extend my most sincere apologies to [your child], and rest assured a shiny coin will be placed in her coin box tonight while she dozes.


The Tooth Fairy
Southwest Region
North Texas Territory