April 21, 2007

Post Ninety-Three: To be Single

Drastically changing the tone of this blog, at least for this entry . . .

I think I got married too young. I never lived on my own. Don't get me wrong, I love my wife, and I obviously love my kids (and I would not change anything about them), but I feel like I may have shorted myself by getting married right out of college.

I don't really want a divorce, but I find myself craving "alone" time more, i.e., time to do what I want to do without the wife and kids. Something I've never been able to do.

Damn. How self-centered and selfish is this?

April 12, 2007

Post Ninety-Two: Slight Hypocrisy on the part of Obama

Obama: "Fire Imus."

Obama: "Ludacris, love your stuff."

"Ho" by Ludacris:

Hooooooooo (Ho)
Youza Hoooooo (Ho)
Youza Hoooooo (Ho)
I said that youza hooooo (Ho)[Repeat 1x]

You doin ho activities
With ho tendencies
Hos are your friends,
hoes are your enemies
With ho energy
to do whacha do
Blew whacha blew
Screw whacha screw
Yall professional like DJ Clue,
pullin on my coat tail
an why do you think
you take a ho to a hotel?

etc., etc.

Post Ninety-One: Don Imus

I have never listened to Don Imus. Don't know anything about him, other than what's been in the news lately (and incessantly) about his asinine "nappy headed hos" comment. Most recently, it was reported that MSNBC is dropping the TV broadcast. All that's left now is for CBS to pull the plug on the radio version.

Personally, I think they should go ahead and put him in jail for making such racially-charged, insensitive comments, followed by a swift execution. An example needs to be made of Imus for all of the other morning-radio "shock jocks." That way, no African-American will ever have to suffer the indignity of hearing such terms.

Unless they happen to listen to rap.

/sarcasm off

UPDATE: Imus has been fired. As Ice T would say, "Freedom of speech, just watch what you say."