September 28, 2006

Post Seventy: Civil War #4, The Return of "Thor"

Well, so much for an "even-handed" "no right answer" depiction of the conflict, but I digress from the main point.

So they cloned Thor, huh?

Well, let me be the first to say "congratulations" to the geniuses over at Marvel for totally fucking up the Marvel Universe through this ridiculous Civil War. I mean, let's look at what these morons have done:

1) Un-masked Spider-man, destroying one of the most compelling aspects of one of Marvel's greatest characters;
2) Turned Captain America into a completely irrational madman. Who can respect this guy now?;
3) Turned Iron Man/Tony Stark into a caricature of liberals' most vile thoughts regarding conservatives and the Iraq war;
4) Thrown Reed Richards way off the deep end as far as his preoccupation with all things scientific and rational at the cost of his marriage to Sue.

And now, as if the foregoing wasn't sufficient, they have decided to go back to cloning.

And they cloned Thor.

They cloned an Asgardian God.

Through strands of hair Stark conveniently saved since "the first meeting of the Avengers." ( I suppose if he had picked them up at the next-to-last meeting of the Avengers with him and Thor in attendance, we wouldn't appreciate his foresight as much.)

You know, after the lead-in from the Fantastic Four run regarding the re-appearance of Mjolnir (and God help Marvel if they try to say that the clone is using the real Mjolnir), there were any number of possibilities to bring Thor back into the fold. They could have had him just show up a little later in the series, knock everyone on their ass and tell everyone to knock the shit off and go after the common enemy (i.e., the villains who are hunting heroes down). They could have had him pull a "Thing" and go neutral. Or they could have left him out of it and just focused on Donald Blake getting back to being Thor.

But they went with a cloning.

My God. Does Marvel not have any memory of the Ben Reilly debacle? How unbelievably stupid are these people? They cloned THOR!!!! My only guess is that they just really wanted to show Thor kicking the shit out of the rest of the Marvel Universe (well, I won't blame them too much for that aspect), but didn't want to turn the real Thor into a government agent.

There is a slight saving grace: it has GOT to turn out that the real Thor comes back, via Donald Blake, and puts a quick end to this clone and war. Nothing else will do.

September 11, 2006

Post Sixty-Nine: A disgrace

Been meaning to comment on this for a while. A couple of weeks back, I went to a hearing in a thriving metropolis (i.e., podunk nowhere town) just to the west of my metroplex. This district court had a split docket: family and civil (and probably criminal for that matter, but I didn't see any criminal cases).

What I did see was at least four cases of parents terminating their parental rights to their children. It was enough to make you sick. In three of the four instances, the case involved boys (they sure as hell weren't "men") who basically said, "I don't want to have anything to do with my son/daugther; she can have him/her." Seriously, my stomach turned. The little fuckers think they're old enough to get their dick wet, but were unwilling to face the consequences for their irresponsibility.

But the worst case was the case of the grandmother who had petitioned the court to become the sole conservator of her grandchild. Seems the parents were too busy being hooked on drugs to even see the child, much less take care of her. You know, the bad thing is that as much as the grandmother deserved kudos for taking her grandchild in, she did a hell of a job raising her own child, so just how good of job is she going to do with the grandchild?

This was completely fucked up. These irresponsible sperm-donaters should be lined up and shot. Absolute no thought to how the child is going to be affected by the abandonment of one of their parents. Fuck them. I hope they rot in hell.

September 09, 2006

Post Sixty-Eight: Just what I wanted

My lovely wife has invited over about 20 people this evening, about half of whom will be my daughters' ages.

Just perfect.

All I wanted to do this evening was watch the Texas/OSU game, drink a couple of beers, and perhaps watch a late movie. Now, I will have to make small talk with people I don't know too well, having in common only the fact that our kids are the same age, while trying to protect my sanity from the cacophonous din that will be raging all evening.