August 27, 2008

Post One Hundred Forty Four: End of a geek thing

Today I made the decision to quit collecting comic books. I don't want to go too much into it, but what it boils down to is that I just haven't been entertained by what I've been reading.

Augh. Kind of down about this (well, that and the never-ending workload that has beat me down). So I'm just going to end this post and go mope.


Um, never mind this post. I've just decided to cut way back.

August 23, 2008

Post One Hundred Forty Three: Fucking Storm

It is 6 a.m. in Tallahassee. I was woken up about 15 minutes ago by an automated call from American Airlines informing me that my 9:05 a.m. flight out of Tallahassee has been canceled. This after I missed my flight last night due to the fact that the fucking deposition took 12.5 fucking hours (although this assumes the flight actually left).


My rescheduled flight now does not leave until 6:00 fucking PM, getting me in at 11:30 p.m. tonight.


Right now, my kids are being babysat by their Aunt Wendy. I'm supposed to take them to my parents' house today, who are going to take care of my youngest this upcoming week. I've shot an e-mail to the parents informing them of the situation. I think I'm going to try to persuade them to meet Wendy half way in Burleson to pick up the kids and I'll be down tomorrow to pick them up.

This is just perfect. Fucking weather.

August 21, 2008

Post One Hundred Forty Two: Some time to kill

I truly appreciate the defense attorney at my deposition this morning. He got to the point, got his opinions, and finished the deposition by noon. Outstanding.

Except now I have an entire day to kill.

I've checked the local movie listings. I was interested in seeing Hellboy II but it is not playing anywhere in a 15-mile radius around here. Talk about a mood-killer. So now I'm sitting around the hotel trying to figure out something to do. I am currently watching Burn Notice on USA (my third attempt to get into this show), but I truly hate fake Russian accents such as the one a blonde chick with an Owen Wilson-ish nose is throwing around.

But then Bruce Campbell makes an appearance and the show is redeemed.

I'm probably going to make a run to Border's later to browse. I'll also probably do some work on another case involving an analysis of proceeds paid and what interest the client may be liable for. But that is a higher level math issue (at least that's what I'm dreading) so the motivation to get started on that is not too great. But I'll get it done.

Damn I wish today's deposition had been set for tomorrow. Instead, I'm at the mercy of a defense attorney from a firm that has been exhibiting a strong pattern of billing as many hours as possible just because they want to. I have a 6:05 flight out of Tallahassee tomorrow (of course, this assumes Fay is going to let me out) to Miami so I can make it back to Dallas.

At this point, things don't look promising. But I'll tell you this: if I am stuck here tomorrow, I'm drinking heavily.

August 20, 2008

Post One Hundred Forty One: I'm in Tallahassee

I'm still not sure if I'm spelling the name of this city right, but here I am in Florida. Three and 1/2 days (if I'm lucky) of defending the deposition of one expert. That's right: three days of the same damn thing.

While it basically sucks, there are a couple of pluses: first, there is not a lot of prep work to do on this. The expert is pretty much going to say what he is going to say, and I don't have a lot of control over him (a fact acknowledged by one of the partners at the firm). It is a good thing that he is always on message, even when he doesn't need to be.

Second, I rack up the billable hours doing these kind of trips. For instance, I spend time reviewing the expert reports (among other things) while I'm killing time in the hotel. And pretty much every moment I am out of the room I am billing. Not that it matters since I'm out here on some contingency cases (plaintiffs' work . . . gads), so it's not like I'm bringing in an hourly rate. But it still goes to my hours report at the end of the month.

And I'm going to need the hours. The wife leaves for Asia on Friday for two-plus weeks. At this point I am just hoping that I make it home Friday night. There is a chance that I could miss my Friday night flight due to the length of the deposition; if that's the case, my girls will have to stay with my youngest's godparents (a couple of our best friends) overnight, and I really don't want to have to do that to either the girls or our friends. In any event, I owe them huge.

Excuse me, I have to go find something else on TV other than this shitty Robin Williams movie on HBO that just started.

. . .

Oh, good: Family Guy.

Has anyone else noticed just how shitty HBO is when you're staying in a hotel? Yes, Hard Knocks was on tonight, but could they possibly show any more of Generation Kill? Having been forced to watch each fucking episode (most at least twice), I can tell you that show is vastly overrated. It's time for hotels to upgrade to Showtime.

Anyway, I'm going to bed. Enough of this.

August 16, 2008

Post One Hundred Forty: A plan comes together

Occasionally, I carry around a Zippo lighter. I don't smoke, I don't go to enough concerts to justify it, and I have never had the occasion to whip it out to light a girl's cigarette at a bar. It's probably just the pyromaniac part of me that likes playing with fire.

Anyway, I was at the airport making my way from remote parking last Tuesday, I realized I had the friggin' lighter in my pocket. I was running a bit late, so I didn't have time to take it back to my car. But I also knew that if I tried to bury it in one of my bags, it could be found, confiscated, and ultimately thrown away. Not wanting to lose it, I set it on top of some advertisement that was hanging on the wall of the hallway leading to the airport from the parking garage. Three days later (and after a very successful day of Katrina mediations), it was right where I left it.

Good things.

August 08, 2008

Post One Hundred Thirty Nine: Opening ceremony observations

Anyone else notice that female Olympic athletes tend to be very, very attractive?

August 05, 2008

Post One Hundred Thirty Eight: The Dark Knight

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention it but I saw The Dark Knight (undoubtedly coming to a shock to anyone who has ever stumbled across this blog). I don't think anyone can put it better than Chris Sims did on his Invincible Super Blog. So I'll leave it at that.

Two posts in one day. TAKE THAT!

Post One Hundred Thirty Seven: 241.40

241.40. That's how many hours I billed in the month of July. I have been so friggin' busy at work that I have barely had time to breath, let alone make any attempt to post my random thoughts and amusements. Between trial (successful again, more to follow) and trips to Beaumont and Mississippi, I've been busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.

Yeah, it's a cliche but I've always found it amusing.

Anyway, back to the trial: we represented an emergency room physician who was sued by the estate of a 77-year-old man who died of cancer. You might guess that the lawsuit stems from some sort of failure to diagnose the cancer, but you'd be wrong. Instead, this lawsuit stemmed from an alleged failure to diagnose an eye injury following an auto accident that occurred two years before his death.

Never mind that there were no complaints of eye pain in the ER.

Never mind the fact that at least four separate health care professionals examined his eyes without noticing any injury to the eye.

Never mind that our doctor is, quite simply, a stud ER doc educated at some of the finest universities and medical schools in this country (including the Mayo Clinic).

Never mind the fact that plaintiffs did not have an ER physician expert, but instead relied on a treating ophthalmologist to offer opinions on the standard of care for an ER physician.

In any event, the jury deliberated for about 15 minutes and came back with a unanimous verdict in our favor. It was a fun trial. I was responsible for the cross-examination of the decedent's son who made the wholly unsupported allegation that our doc never even saw the patient. Obviously, the jury didn't buy a word of it.

Again, winning is fun. Beats the hell out of settling or, God forbid, losing.