August 21, 2008

Post One Hundred Forty Two: Some time to kill

I truly appreciate the defense attorney at my deposition this morning. He got to the point, got his opinions, and finished the deposition by noon. Outstanding.

Except now I have an entire day to kill.

I've checked the local movie listings. I was interested in seeing Hellboy II but it is not playing anywhere in a 15-mile radius around here. Talk about a mood-killer. So now I'm sitting around the hotel trying to figure out something to do. I am currently watching Burn Notice on USA (my third attempt to get into this show), but I truly hate fake Russian accents such as the one a blonde chick with an Owen Wilson-ish nose is throwing around.

But then Bruce Campbell makes an appearance and the show is redeemed.

I'm probably going to make a run to Border's later to browse. I'll also probably do some work on another case involving an analysis of proceeds paid and what interest the client may be liable for. But that is a higher level math issue (at least that's what I'm dreading) so the motivation to get started on that is not too great. But I'll get it done.

Damn I wish today's deposition had been set for tomorrow. Instead, I'm at the mercy of a defense attorney from a firm that has been exhibiting a strong pattern of billing as many hours as possible just because they want to. I have a 6:05 flight out of Tallahassee tomorrow (of course, this assumes Fay is going to let me out) to Miami so I can make it back to Dallas.

At this point, things don't look promising. But I'll tell you this: if I am stuck here tomorrow, I'm drinking heavily.


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