September 19, 2007

Post One Hundred Eight: You Tell Me

Starting trial on Monday. For anyone who happens along this blog, you tell me your opinion: is our doctor negligent or not?

Four year old girl comes into ER after suffering an ankle injury while playing outside. Is also found to have a 104.6 fever. The nurses give tylenol, and the fever drops to 99 by the time our doc sees her (he was aware of the 104.6 fever at time of presentation).

He performs his physicial examination; as with the nurses, no wheezing, no crackles, no cough, no shortness of breath, and O2 saturation is at 96%. She is interactive and responsive (even joking around with the x-ray tech) to those around her. She is discharged in a splint with instructions to follow-up with an orthopedist and to monitor the fever. However, no blood test or chest x-ray was ordered.

The fever never again reaches 102, per the mom.

Less than 36 hours later, after waking up to say goodbye to her dad who was going to work, she is found in her bed dead.

Autopsy reveals staphylococcol aureus-PVL, a flesh-eating bacteria that resulted in lesions on all of her internal organs.

Plaintiff's expert says chest x-ray and blood testing would reveal the bacteria, allowing her to be put on antibiotics which would have saved her life.

Our experts say that standard of care was met given the girl's presentation, and that putting her on antibiotics would not have saved her life.

So: based on that overview, if you were sitting on the jury would you find our doc negligent?

September 16, 2007

Post One Hundred Seven: Thor vs. some man in a little iron suit

Thor #3 was released on Wednesday. I would of posted sooner, but I've been too busy re-reading the greatness that it is. Finally, Thor is showcased as the penultimate bad-ass in the Marvel Universe. I believe my brother put it best:

"Damn, this week's Thor is scary. Thor could whip the Hulk's ass."

Suffice to say, Thor was less than pleased with Stark's use of his genetic code to create "Clor." And for that, Thor kicked some ass. Up and down, left and right, without any sense of restraint. Best point? When Iron Man tries to blast Thor with his repulsor rays, and Thor isn't even phased. Stark then proceeds to do it "old school" and quickly gets knocked out of the park.

Just brilliant.

September 03, 2007

Post One Hundred Six: The Real Juggernaut is Back

Oh, hell yeah:

See? World War Hulk: X-Men wasn't totally pointless.

Post One Hundred Five: Scatterbrain was on to something

Jesus, Edwards. Why not just have a government rep standing by to wipe our ass when we're finished using the restroom?

State nannism doesn’t get much better than this

Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards said on Sunday that his universal health care proposal would require that Americans go to the doctor for preventive care.

“It requires that everybody be covered. It requires that everybody get preventive care,” he told a crowd sitting in lawn chairs in front of the Cedar County Courthouse. “If you are going to be in the system, you can’t choose not to go to the doctor for 20 years. You have to go in and be checked and make sure that you are OK.”

He noted, for example, that women would be required to have regular mammograms in an effort to find and treat “the first trace of problem.”

Once that’s settled, I’m sure President Edwards would start mandating acceptable health standards and practices. Outlaw tobacco and transfats, then regulate and ration white sugar, red meat, diary and how many times annually one can visit fast food restaurants.

[excerpted from Protein Wisdom]

You may remember a slightly underrated band called Scatterbrain a few years back. Their song "Goodbye Freedom, Hello Mom" was eerily prescient:

1984 has past, Forget about Big Brother
Welcome to the 90s where the government’s your mother.

I sense a new campaign theme song for Edwards.