October 09, 2008

Post One Hundred Fifty One: Progress Report

I have made absolutely no progress on putting together my Top 10 bands. Maybe I should just reduce it to five. Wouldn't reducing my workload increase the likelihood that I actually get it done? And hell, I already know the Top 2.

I'm heading to Houston tomorrow. Again. Yet another deposition to take. A little about that: my firm is handling some cases for Hurricane Katrina victims against their insurers. Fun stuff, and it's been pretty rewarding to the firm, it seems. We started out with about 50 cases, and have pared the list down to about 5, settling the vast majority. One insurer, who shall remain nameless, has turned out to be incredibly stubborn. More power to them I suppose: if I was representing them with the plaintiffs we represent on the other side, I'd probably be resistant to settlement, too.

Anyway, there are three of us attorneys who are handling the depositions in the cases. As it was initially divided up, I was to present the clients and our expert witnesses for their depositions (as well as taking the occasional fact witness), another would be taking the depositions of the insurers' employees (adjusters, corporate reps, etc.), and a third would focus on taking the depositions of the defense experts. A pretty good split of responsibility.

As it turns out, however, I'm getting saddled with more and more of the insurers' employees. The partner who was initially assigned these witnesses seems to come up with convenient excuses for not being able to travel. This means they get dumped on me, usually with something of a short notice. It's starting to piss me off: I've been out of town on an average of 2-3 days per week and it's wearing on me and the family. The hours are making my monthly reports look good, but I'm just getting tired of it. At least it seems to finally be winding down: one more deposition in Tallahassee is scheduled for next week, then I think that's it for a while.

That's about it for now. I'll try to make my next post a bit more interesting.


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