September 22, 2008

Post One Hundred Fifty: The previously referenced "last night"

The other night I went out with a friend I used to work with (a female attorney friend . . . no, not like that; get your mind out of the gutter). We were at a bar for happy hour, playing the electronic trivia (which I kicked her ass at), then went out to see a Ratt cover band. A friend of hers was subbing in for one of the guitarists, so she just had to go see them play.

Never mind that they didn't hit the stage until 11:00 p.m. Jesus.

Theirs is a very strange interaction. I don't use the term "relationship" to avoid the implications of same, but perhaps my use of the term "friend" was a little off the mark. I do not know exactly how to describe it but it is an odd one. To start off with, my friend is over 40 years old. The guitarist is 18.

While there is purportedly nothing sexual about the relationship (and I take her at her word, and it would shock the hell out of me if there were), the appeal for her lies in the fact that he is a young guitar player playing in various hair bands. She is a huge 80s metal band fan, particularly of Motley Crue, and as luck would have it he also plays in a Motley Crue tribute band.

Sidebar: is there anything more sad than musicians who play in tribute bands? It's like a constant existence of dress-up and playing pretend.

Anyway, she constantly raves about his playing ability . . . meh, I don't know. I've seen him a couple of times, and while he plays pretty well technically I get no semblance of feeling from him. He strikes me as a wanker on guitar, more "style" than substance. At least as much style one can have nowadays by dressing up like a Nikki Sixx wannabe.

Regardless, the dude is also a fucking bum from what I can tell. He has no job other than these gigs which according to my friend net the band about $45 a night (what a shit gig, huh?). He suffers from a severe case of lead singer disease and apparently uses anyone clinging on to him (i.e., the girls) against each other so they will buy him shit: CDs, clothes, guitars (!), jewelry, financing studio time, and the like. It is so fucking sad that these hangers-on buy into this shit.

She tells me that she does not hand out money to support this guy. But the problem is she hangs out with such a shit crowd: him, his dad (an 80s relic), and the losers who frequent dive bars to see 80s metal cover bands play. Don't get me wrong: I've been to some of these shows but her crowd lives for this shit. She's smarter than this crowd but it's dragging her down. What is it about girls that gets them sucked into these situations?


Blogger Ali said...

I blame estrogen.

And I have to say that I'm impressed that you stayed out for something that started at 11. I'm usually dead by then!

8:11:00 AM  
Blogger Juggernaut said...

Curiosity kept me out that late, I suppose. That and a sense of gallantry that prevented me from leaving her with that crowd.

10:23:00 PM  

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