June 28, 2008

Post One Hundred Thirty Five: My "Vacation"

Last week, we had our first real family vacation: we made the pilgrimage to Disney World. Left on Saturday, and returned the next Sunday. A full week with the wife, kids, my in-laws, the wife's sister and her family.

It was a beating.

Don't get me too wrong: it was quite enjoyable and the kids absolutely ate up Disney. Personally, I've always been more of a WB fan, but that doesn't change the fact that my two little girls absolutely love the princesses and the mouse. Much like every other little girl on the planet.

This vacation was by no means a vacation for me, though. I returned more exhausted than I left what with keeping up with the kids and walking around all of the parks in Orlando in absolutely oppressive humidity. Tack on to that the fact that my wife, her sister, and their dad have some very serious control issues which constantly came into conflict with each other. That made for some very pleasant scenes in the park.

Overall everyone had a good time. I will admit, though, that if presented with the opportunity I might pass on future vacation opportunities that would involve the entirety of the wife's family.

What else warrants mention . . . ?

Anthrax kicked ass in Chicago about a month ago. Great, great show, technical difficulties notwithstanding. And I truly dig at least two of the new songs they played, so I have a new Anthrax album to look forward to later this year.

The Incredible Hulk was great: exactly what I wanted to see in a Hulk movie, i.e., lots of shit being destroyed as a result of very heavy things being tossed around like softballs. I liked Norton's repeated acknowledgment of the TV series, one of my favorites being the mention of Jack McGee, the campus reporter who witnessed the Hulk's battle with the military. Also, nice job setting up the Leader via Tim Blake Nelson. I was thinking that was who "Mr. Blue" was going to turn out to be. And while I don't think it was ever mentioned, I think they also threw in (the future?) Doc Samson, albeit in non-powered up form.


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