Post One Hundred Twenty Five: Savage Love
I read Dan Savage's column, Savage Love, via The Onion's AV Club. Mainly, I do this for the freakshow effect, but it's kind of interesting to me how much I, as a pretty conservative guy, agree with him. While I can't really support his chosen political candidates given their fiscal policies (i.e., taxing me to death), we both seem to share a hatred of the Religious Right that has inflitrated and poisoned the Republican party, leading to a total abandonment of the principles of fiscal conservatism and respect for individuals rights and privacy in exchange for a salacious embrace of spending every damn dime (and THEN some) brought in via ridiculously high tax rates rendered even more onerous by an unnecessarily complex and punishing bureaucracy in order to satisfy pork quotas in the districts of our duly-elected representatives who all the while hypocritically bray about "family values" while trying to get in Senate pages' pants behind their family members' backs or cutting back room deals to line their own pockets with lobbyist cash (and don't even try to read this as any kind of limited bitch at Republicans; this goes for Democrats, too) so that even fucking more increases in the budget can be made the next year so this country can go even more in debt, weakening the dollar even further that allows countries around the world to start calendaring the United States' purported downfall while we do or are asked to do every GODDAMN THING TO FUCKING BAIL THEM OUT OF EVERY GODDAMN JAM EVERY MOTHERFUCKING COUNTRY GETS THEMSELVES INTO WITHOUT EVEN A FUCKING WORD OF APPRECIATION JESUS CHRIST I HATE THE SCUMBAGS IN CONGRESS WHO JUST DON'T FUCKING GET IT!
. . .
But I digress a bit.
In any event, this recent column of Savage's struck me. I've probably got friends and family members who view homosexuality as a burn-in-hell sin. But how would they feel if their closest friends or even children were gay?
Me? I don't really care what anyone's sexual orientation is. It's the way you're born, as near as I can tell. I mean, why would anyone choose to put themselves through the levels of shit that gays have to go through, particularly in their teenage years? As for my kids, as long as they're happy, healthy, smart, and moral, I'll be thanking God.
Regardless, read the column and figure out what kind of parent/friend you would want to be.
. . .
But I digress a bit.
In any event, this recent column of Savage's struck me. I've probably got friends and family members who view homosexuality as a burn-in-hell sin. But how would they feel if their closest friends or even children were gay?
Me? I don't really care what anyone's sexual orientation is. It's the way you're born, as near as I can tell. I mean, why would anyone choose to put themselves through the levels of shit that gays have to go through, particularly in their teenage years? As for my kids, as long as they're happy, healthy, smart, and moral, I'll be thanking God.
Regardless, read the column and figure out what kind of parent/friend you would want to be.
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