Post One Hundred Fifty Five: Saturday AM
Was up late playing "Booty . . . " something-or-the-other on the 360 last night with a friend, then could not fall asleep. As luck would have it, the girls were in the room very early this morning, the youngest before 6:00. We sent them back to bed, and had relative quiet until 7:00 when the dog forced me up.
It's my Saturday to be up with the kids while the wife sleeps in. Right now we're watching the Perils of Penelope Pitstop, which the girls enjoy. On a related note, if you ever find yourself watching Wacky Races, note the utter impropriety of Peter Perfect and his vehicle:

It's my Saturday to be up with the kids while the wife sleeps in. Right now we're watching the Perils of Penelope Pitstop, which the girls enjoy. On a related note, if you ever find yourself watching Wacky Races, note the utter impropriety of Peter Perfect and his vehicle:

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