December 30, 2008

Post One Hundred Fifty Nine: Killing Time

The wife is sick. Not in a good way, either.

No, she's got a nasty cold so I am lurking in my room keeping as far away from her as possible so I don't catch what she has on the eve of New Year's Eve. That would truly suck. We're getting together with some friends, my little brother and his wife for an evening of eating terribly and drinking heavily. I then have the rest of the week off thanks to the good judgment of the firm to go ahead and close the office on Friday.

Seriously: there is absolutely no point in law firms being open from Christmas Eve through the NCAA championship bowl game. No point at all. Nobody is interested in scheduling things, most people are out on vacation, and in any event nobody returns calls or correspondence. So it's basically a huge waste of time.

The gift-receiving end of things for Christmas kind of sucked this year. It's no one's fault, really; I didn't ask for anything specific and there was nothing I really needed. Ended up with some cash from the parents and in-laws, plus a couple of books. Oddly, no clothes at all . . . I think that must be a first for me. Wait, have to take that last part back: the wife purchased me a couple of amusing t-shirts, one of which I'm not allowed to wear around the kids for whatever reason. It says "I don't give a" followed by a picture of a rat holding onto a donkey with a leash, i.e., "Rat's Ass".

I don't understand this. When I was my daughters' age, my dad had a shirt that read "If you ain't for the Cowboys you ain't for shit." I vividly remember this shirt. No, he didn't wear it everyday (or even very often), mainly when his family came up for a Cowboys game. But I really don't see it as having any ill effect on my upbringing. Yet this shirt with a picture of a rat and donkey (which she bought me!) is somehow going to result in my daughters developing foul mouths.

Sigh. I am starting to wonder if the wife and I have anything in common.


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