May 03, 2006

Post Forty-Four: CDs and Comics

Sitting on my desk here in my office is a stack of CDs that I just haven't had the time to listen to (it doesn't help that the CD player in my car is fucked, as it won't play, accept, or reject CD's (it's really a bitch because System of a Down's latest and the second disc from Iggy Pop's greatest hits are stuck inside)). So I'm probably going to turn off the Ticket ( and try to listen to a few over the course of the day, maybe post some reviews. However, here's the list, just in case you're interested:

Pearl Jam, Pearl Jam: I've just heard "World Wide Suicide," and the song is really growing on me. Hopefully, the rest of the album excels. I'm a member of the Ten Club, so I've also got a bonus disc with their live New Year's Eve show in 1992. I enjoy these perks.

Buckcherry, 15: I've given this one a listen, and it's not too bad. The high point is, at this point, "Crazy Bitch." That riff is swee-eeet. I also have their Time Bomb album that I picked up on e-bay.

Rob Zombie, Educated Horses: Rob Zombie is one of those artists that has earned a pass from me, meaning I'll pick up their new album without having heard anything. It was borderline, though, as I wasn't terribly crazy about his last one. We'll see if he stays on the list.

The Sword, Age of Winters: Picked up this album based on the strength of "Iron Swan" (thanks, Sirius!). I'm looking forward to hearing what this band can do over the length of the album, so I'll probably put this one in first.

Ministry, Rio Grande Blood: Again, another band that has earned a pass, and I really liked their last one, Houses of the Mole. However, judging by the cover, it looks like Al Jourgenson's anti-Bush screeding is going to get tiresome.

Rebel Meets Rebel, Rebel Meets Rebel: The Cowboys from Hell meet David Allan Coe project. God rest Dimebag's soul. I really enjoy "Nothing to Lose," so I'm hoping the album stays in the same vein.

Tool, 10,000 Days: I have pretty high expectations for this one, but it would be pretty hard to top Aenima. That was seen by Lateralus, which suffered by comparison (although it did have its high points).

Moving on . . .

New comic day, today! And Marvel's Civil War starts up. Gads, I've been so looking forward to this, as I'm somewhat convinced that Thor is going to return to put an end to the petty bickering amongst the "human" super heroes. The last two issues of Fantastic Four are now two of my favorite books, but I'm a huge Thor fan-boy so I may be slightly biased.

Other issues I'm picking up today:

Doc Samson #5: Is this limited series over yet? I've always kind of liked Doc Samson, but this LS I suckered into has been close-to unbearable. But of course I'm going to finish it out.

Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman #8: Hoping this has a Civil War tie-in, but it's looking like they're going to concentrate on the return of Uncle Ben (riii-iiight). The only question really is who is impersonating him. Plus Hobgoblin is going to return. I've been out a while: is the Jack-O-Lantern still wearing that costume?

Infinite Crisis #7: The DC Universe is fucked up. Confusing as shit (how many Supermans do you really friggin' need?). I hope that this culminates in the existence of a sole world from which DC will work, but I think that's too much to ask for.


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