Post One Hundred Twenty One: Bloodsimple
In an attempt to atone for my prior confession of occasionally enjoying some catchy, mass-market-appealing pop songs [NOTE: this does NOT refer to MGMT], I want to urge anyone who stumbles across this blog to go out and obtain a copy of Bloodsimple's Red Harvest. Best metal album of 2008. Or at least the best metal album I've bought in 2008, since I just checked and it appears to have been released in 2007.
My first real exposure to Bloodsimple was their cover of "5 to 1," one of my favorite Doors songs. I have long wanted someone to do a metal version of the song, or to cover it myself once I got my metal band together (ha!). And then I find this. Bloodsimple nailed it. Dammit. There goes the need to form my band.
Regardless, the last time I checked their cover was available on their MySpace page for download, so go see if it's still there. That's where I found it and I now have it on my iPod. After that, I was curious to see what they were about, but the songs I heard from them via Hard Attack on Sirius were more in the vein of straight-edge metal, like Hatebreed (at least that's my recollection). Not to knock straight-edge metal too much, but I like some elements of melody in my metal.
[Fuck. Again with the preference for catchy elements. Would it help me out to say that I own Napalm Death's "greatest hits," and that I think they are genius?]
Anyway, Sirius started out with "Whiskey Bent and Hellbound." I liked it and was encouraged. But the selling point was "Out to Get You." Hell of a song, and it drove me to pick it up over the weekend. While I have enjoyed every song on the album (it's a total package), high points include (other than those previously mentioned): "Ride With Me" (and again with the Doors . . . I sense an influence), "Dark Helmet," "Dead Man Walking," and one of my personal favorites, "Suck it Up."
So chalk me up as a fan of Bloodsimple. I'll make the effort to see them when they come through.
My first real exposure to Bloodsimple was their cover of "5 to 1," one of my favorite Doors songs. I have long wanted someone to do a metal version of the song, or to cover it myself once I got my metal band together (ha!). And then I find this. Bloodsimple nailed it. Dammit. There goes the need to form my band.
Regardless, the last time I checked their cover was available on their MySpace page for download, so go see if it's still there. That's where I found it and I now have it on my iPod. After that, I was curious to see what they were about, but the songs I heard from them via Hard Attack on Sirius were more in the vein of straight-edge metal, like Hatebreed (at least that's my recollection). Not to knock straight-edge metal too much, but I like some elements of melody in my metal.
[Fuck. Again with the preference for catchy elements. Would it help me out to say that I own Napalm Death's "greatest hits," and that I think they are genius?]
Anyway, Sirius started out with "Whiskey Bent and Hellbound." I liked it and was encouraged. But the selling point was "Out to Get You." Hell of a song, and it drove me to pick it up over the weekend. While I have enjoyed every song on the album (it's a total package), high points include (other than those previously mentioned): "Ride With Me" (and again with the Doors . . . I sense an influence), "Dark Helmet," "Dead Man Walking," and one of my personal favorites, "Suck it Up."
So chalk me up as a fan of Bloodsimple. I'll make the effort to see them when they come through.
2 Comments: this a post to make up for the previous one where you admitted to liking Jack Johnson? (or however you spell his name) :)
More to make up for my liking of "Love Song." I think liking Jack Johnson is okay.
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