May 28, 2005

Post Seven: Serenity

Saw the advanced screening of Serenity Thursday night. I loved it. I've decided against spoilers in this case, but it was everything I hoped it would be, and just served to remind me how much I really miss Firefly. Thanks, Fox (you fuckers). At least it sounds like the SciFi Channel will be running the episodes this summer, leading up to the movie's wide-release on Septemer 30th.

Of course, the place was packed with fans, and the movie was incredibly well-received. A lot of contrasts to Episode III were thrown out (e.g., this is everything Star Wars should have been/wanted to be)(i.e., not very complimentary of Lucas). My only hope is that the movie finds its audience.

In 1977, Star Wars came out of the blue: no one knew anything about it, and that type of "space opera" had never been seen before. Five sequels/prequels later, and billions made, we all know how that turned out. It's probably hoping too much for a similar fate for Serenity, but comparisons can be drawn. Mostly unknown actors, light sci-fi, great characters . . . the only thing is that the writing and story of Serenity are just so much better.

Ah, hell. If I stay too long on this, I'm going to start revealing too much. September 30th. Go see Serenity. Make it huge.


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