May 22, 2005

Post Two: A damn geeky way to start this thing . . .

I have successfully acquired tickets to the May 26th advance showing of Serenity. And I didn't have to pay through the nose for them, either. Did quite a bit better than a friend of mine, so I'm happy. Content. Looking forward to the movie that no one else will be able to see until September. For anyone who might read this that does not know what this is, go search the web.

. . .

Changed my mind (it's a worthwhile cause). A couple of years ago, Joss Whedon of Buffy fame created a series called Firefly that aired on Fox. Two word description: space western. Slightly better description: follows a smuggler who was on the losing side of a civil war as he tries to eek out a living while protecting the lives of his crew (which include a brother/sister tandem being hunted by the government) on his ship, Serenity. It was hugely entertaining.

But following Fox's long-standing tradition of canceling excellent shows (and as an aside, can you believe they are actually holding on to Arrested Development? Can it be that Fox execs are learning?), Firefly met an unfortunate end without airing all of the episodes. Fortunately, enough people out there discovered the series on DVD, and voila!, movie out in September. The great thing is, the entire original cast is in the movie: no disconcerting replacement actors. Even better, I hear the entire cast is signed for two sequels. So we have a new trilogy to look forward to with the demise of Star Wars.

I'm sure I'll post about the premiere. I'll try to warn of spoilers (just in case someone actually reads this thing), but no promises.


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