May 24, 2005

Post Five: Any New Parties on the Horizon?

It's becoming harder to maintain my status as a Republican.

It really goes back to the Terry Schiavo thing. What the hell were they thinking? Fifteen years of appeals on the state court level, and the House decides to ignore res judicata, the 10th Amendment, and common-fucking-sense, and pass a ridiculous, unconstitutional (in my opinion) law allowing the federal court to rehash the issue. Whatever your position on euthanasia, it was the wrong thing to do, particularly from the party that purportedly supports a lack of interference in people's private lives.

Whatever happened to the party of Reagan? Lower taxes. Strong defense. Butt the fuck out of people's private lives. Maybe it came with the loss of a unifying, serious threat to America's way of life that was the USSR (I've yet to be convinced that terrorists are anything more than a minor risk that we just need to watch out for in the wake of 9/11). Regardless, it has become more and more apparent that this new breed of Republicans (e.g. Tom DeLay and Rick Santorum) believe their own hype. They are out to dictate morality, which you cannot do when the "immorality" doesn't infringe on others' rights. Maybe the voters in Houston will recognize DeLay for what he is, and the Republican party will be able to shed the anchor that he is. Right.

And don't talk to me about Democrats. All they want to do is take more of my paycheck, put it in the middle of a very large room, and piss on it. Say what you want about defecits, but the Republicans are at least lowering my taxes. Democrats have also become the party of unreasonable opposition. What the hell is the problem with private Social Security accounts? At least provide the option; I'll agree to fade the heat in the event of a crash.

Sigh. Anyone know when the Libertarian party is going to field a viable candidate?


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