Post Eighty-Nine: Rethinking Cap's Death
As I stated a couple of posts ago, there will be an inevitable resurrection of Steve Rogers. But I was still a tad bit pissed about Marvel killing off Captain America. Since that time, I have come to learn that Cap has "died" before (several times), so I feel a little embarassed about my ignorance on that front.
Brief interlude: did he even die? See the following:

Brief interlude: did he even die? See the following:

Back on point.
Regardless, even before learning about these earlier "deaths," I started to wonder why it bothered me. The manner in which it happened is probably the biggest factor. Cap wasn't afforded the courtesy of a noble death, such as Superman's death at the hands of Doomsday fourteen years ago, or Thor's death a few years ago. Instead, Steve Rogers was shot in a cowardly fashion while in police custody. [Captain America in police custody. . . That's just wrong.] Simply put, he went out with a whimper.
But is even that so wrong? Would comics be any good if every hero maintained the status quo for any character's existence, ad infinitum? And would comics be any good if every hero who did die met his fate while in the midst of some world- or universe-saving act? I kind of doubt it. That's what made The Death of Captain Marvel graphic novel special:* here was a hero who died as a result of cancer. It humanized the character: most everyone knows someone who has had or died from cancer. As a result, the book touched a nerve, and more books should strive to do so.
So the death of Captain America gets a pass from me (my brother, FlashCap, may not be so forgiving). Of course, this is said with the knowledge that Steve Rogers will be bearing the shield at some point in the future. Were I at all convinced this was permanent I might have a different opinion on the matter.
And on a totally unrelated note: THOR RETURNS IN JULY 2007! HELL YEAH!
*Never mind the fact that Marvel has dicked this up by bringing him back in a post-exposure/pre-cancer state.
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