Post Eighty-Two: Disbar Nifong
Well, Nifong is out. The state AG has agreed to take the case out of Nifong's hands and will review the case to determine whether the charges leveled against the three Duke lacrosse players merit a trial.
Anyone with a working brain who has been paying attention knows that this case should be dismissed posthaste. The accuser has no credibility at all. There is absolutely no corroboration from any witness. There is absolutely no incriminating DNA. As a matter of fact, the DNA evidence is exculpatory, yet Nifong tried kept it from the defense for over six months (while representing to the court that all exculpatory evidence had been turned over). Combine this with his utterly inappropriate comments regarding the accused throughout this mockery of the justice system, and it is clear that Nifong has no business being a DA.
No, scratch that. Nifong has no business being an attorney. I just hope that the North Carolina State Bar has the juevos to disbar this scumbag.
Anyone with a working brain who has been paying attention knows that this case should be dismissed posthaste. The accuser has no credibility at all. There is absolutely no corroboration from any witness. There is absolutely no incriminating DNA. As a matter of fact, the DNA evidence is exculpatory, yet Nifong tried kept it from the defense for over six months (while representing to the court that all exculpatory evidence had been turned over). Combine this with his utterly inappropriate comments regarding the accused throughout this mockery of the justice system, and it is clear that Nifong has no business being a DA.
No, scratch that. Nifong has no business being an attorney. I just hope that the North Carolina State Bar has the juevos to disbar this scumbag.
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